With This AIGC-Enabled Software, I and My Colleagues Saved 63% of Time in Design

"Establishment of industrial pipelines" and "cost-effectiveness" — these are topics increasingly heard in the art and design R&D industry in recent years.

More and more design teams are realizing that advanced industrial production pipelines are the prerequisite for higher quality. The establishment of industrialized processes and pipelines enables the effortless management of previously massive tasks. However, it is not about machine production lines, but rather about efficient, large-scale human collaboration.

The most important aspect is not the quality of individual elements but facilitating the integration of numerous elements into the system through standardized collaboration interfaces. This is complemented by the assistance of "AIGC artificial intelligence", which efficiently optimizes the design and production process.

This requires a powerful and stable infrastructure to support it.

Currently, the best practice in the design industry is to use Digital Asset Management Software to uniformly distribute and process materials.

According to research by McKinsey, a good digital asset management software can significantly improve team collaboration, communication, search, and sharing efficiency, ultimately increasing team productivity by 20%-25%.

As a leader in the digital asset management industry, Share Creators' smart digital asset management software can help businesses and teams intelligently manage digital assets, greatly enhancing the efficiency of industrial pipeline production, with key features improving efficiency by 63%, far above the industry average.

Efficient Reuse for Massive Digital Assets: The "Digital Library"

Current Challenges:

As business grows, the content of materials and digital assets will grow exponentially, but large files scattered everywhere make valuable files hard to find, preventing efficient asset reuse and standardization.


For the design industry, efficient reuse of digital assets is crucial for reducing production costs and improving profitability, such as efficient reuse of brands, logos, packaging, etc. This allows for lower production costs and faster brand promotion.

Share Creators' Smart Digital Asset Management System addresses this issue by establishing a "Digital Library". With an asset library bird's-eye view, AI smart search, multi-format high-speed preview, and version control, users can easily find, store, and share the digital assets they need. New personnel training, asset accumulation, and material file classification are clear and orderly, and outsourcing packages can be shared with a single click.

This not only improves the overall efficiency of the industrial pipeline but also makes it easier for teams to adhere to a consistent strategy and output consistent product content, solving the problem of stylistic uniformity.

AI Smart Search, AI Tags, and AIGC Multi-Application Integration Boost Efficiency!

AI has developed into an application that promises to break the "high quality-low cost-short time impossible triangle" and will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the productivity of the game industry in the near future.

Now, Share Creators has applied artificial intelligence to digital asset management software, revolutionizing the efficiency of the design industry.

Using Share Creators' AIGC Feature:

Utilize the AIGC feature in Share Creators to generate design images, available for trial application. Leveraging artificial intelligence technology to automatically generate content has become a significant breakthrough in enhancing productivity in the design industry.

Through seamless integration with the digital asset management system, Share Creators' smart digital asset management software now supports text-to-image and image-to-image AIGC forms. Users can continue to select from one or multiple generated images through image-to-image, ultimately producing an image that meets their needs.

Generated works can be further extended, edited, saved, and shared in Share Creators, fully integrating and jointly enhancing efficiency. In addition, AI search, AI tags, AIGC, and other AI applications are seamlessly integrated with Share Creators' smart digital asset management software, using AI technology to increase the comprehensive utilization efficiency of digital assets by over 60%.

Share Creators has industry-leading AI smart recognition functionality, intelligently parsing resource files to make finding the required files easy; even if we forget to name a file (who hasn't seen a few named "Final Final 2"?), it can quickly find the corresponding resources through AI recognition.

Powerful AI tags combined with custom personal tag libraries and team tag pools can significantly I

Revolutionizing Design with AIGC: Saving Time and Enhancing Efficiency

As the demand for high-quality content in the art and design industries increases, many teams are turning towards industrialized production pipelines as a solution. These pipelines aren't just about automating tasks but optimizing large-scale human collaboration through artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

Challenges in Design and Efficiency Gains

Traditional workflows in the art and design sectors often fall short when handling complex, high-volume tasks. By implementing digital asset management (DAM) systems, design teams can achieve substantial cost savings and efficiency improvements. AIGC, or Artificially Intelligent Generated Content, plays a pivotal role in these systems by enhancing the creative process.

Explore Blueberry DAM

How AIGC Transforms Design Workflow

With AIGC technologies, design teams can integrate high-quality AI-generated images, videos, and audio into their projects, significantly reducing the amount of time spent on content creation. Share Creators' smart digital asset management software not only streamlines the management of these assets but also boosts production efficiency by up to 63% compared to industry standards.

The Power of Digital Asset Management Software

A robust digital asset management system is crucial for managing and optimizing the storage and retrieval of digital assets. McKinsey's research shows that a good DAM system can improve team productivity by 20%-25% by enhancing collaboration, communication, and sharing capabilities.

DAM that supports all in one integration

Blueberry Organize the Heart of Efficiency in Work Place

Features and Benefits of Share Creators' DAM

Efficient Reuse and Management:

The "Digital Library" concept within Share Creators allows for efficient reuse of assets like logos, branding materials, and more, ensuring these assets are easily accessible and standardized across all projects.

AI-Driven Capabilities:

Share Creators' DAM leverages AI tools to provide intelligent search capabilities, AI tags, and seamless integration with AIGC applications, enhancing the usability and efficiency of asset searches and management.

Blueberry AI tags empower the search

High-Speed File Sharing and Security:

With features designed for quick sharing and stringent security measures, Blueberry ensures that large files are shared quickly and securely, accommodating the needs of remote and distributed teams.

Blueberry AI Search

Closing Thoughts

The integration of AIGC and advanced DAM tools like those offered by Share Creators is transforming how design teams operate, making processes faster, more secure, and more creative. As these technologies continue to evolve, they promise to further reduce the time and resources needed for high-level content creation, allowing teams to focus more on innovation and less on administrative tasks.

Learn more on the Blueberry Blog


Blueberry: Case Studies of Digital Asset Management


Digital Asset Management (DAM) for Marketing Professionals